
Of hectares are
deforested every year for
food production



Of people are already suffering from hunger or chronic malnutrition


Of the food production doesn’t reach the final consumer and finishes as waste

Rearing Black Soldier Flies is the path chosen by Wastech to make society more resilient. Our insect culture allows us to upcycle organic waste into different eco-products. Turning what was considered as waste into highly valuable resources on a local scale.​

Wastech is at the forefront of the protein transition while helping actors of the food and feed industry to upcycle its waste. Bringing the role that insects have in nature into our consumption and production habits.

Decentralized model

Scalable, flexible, monitored… Wastech developed a set of technologies, gaining the necessary tools and machinery to upcycle decentralized waste into animal feed.

Promoting local foodsystems

Wastech’s core activity is to offer sustainable and local products to the European food market. Our solution yields both local animal feed and organic fertilizer, providing a dual agricultural advantage.

Our partners

They support us because they believe in our technology.

“Science without conscience is but the ruin of the soul”

— F. Rabelais